Difference Between Khakis and Chinos?
There is no doubt that khakis and chinos have many similarities. However, there are distinct differences between the two styles of pants. These differences can help men decide which pants style to seek out in different situations. Most closets will have an assortment of both khakis and chinos. Because each pant style is more appropriate in certain settings, it is wise to have the information about each type prior to purchase. In simple words the first and the basic difference between Khakis and Chinos is with a more recent military uniform heritage, chino pants earned a more formal style than khakis. One of the distinct differences between the two and an easy trick to use when shopping or pairing an outfit is the stitching. Stitching on khakis is visible, whereas it is concealed on chinos. This gives chino pants a more finished look, which in turn makes them a little more “dressy". The second, less obvious and less reliable rule of thumb for tel...